The Netherlands X-omics Initiative (X-omics, pronounce as CROSS-omics) is a National Roadmap Large-Scale Research Infrastructure, partially funded by NWO with a total budget of 40 million euro. The project started September 2018 and will last for 10 years.
X-omics aims to establish a X-omics research infrastructure across the Netherlands, by combining technologies in the field of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and data analysis, integration & stewardship. With this infrastructure biomedical problems can be solved using an integrated approach (analysis of samples using the available omics technologies of the infrastructure).
Two major goals are:
1. Advance X-omics technologies far beyond state-of-art,
2. Realize an integrated X-omics infrastructure in the Netherlands.
X-omics has set up a multi-omics community to enable communication between researchers working in different omics fields of expertise. Via social media X-omics distributes news, highlights, publications and events to this community.